Emily 26 brothel at st mary’s


Emily 26 brothel at st mary’s

the best adult services

About me

As an independent escort, my utmost desire is to embody the epitome of your perfect female companion. Standing at a height of 5’3″, I strive to meet your expectations. I proudly embrace my bisexual identity, recognizing the boundless potential for love and desire in every gender. With extensive experience in the escort industry, I can assure you of a high-quality encounter.

My hair color is naturally blonde, adding to my allure. Additionally, I possess a strong command of the English language, ensuring seamless communication between us. Furthermore, I am fortunate to possess attractive and symmetrical C-cup breasts, enhancing my physical appeal. The captivating grey shade of my iris is sure to captivate your attention.

It is worth noting that my weight exceeds 75kg, which may be a relevant consideration for some. As your preferred Italian escort, I am dedicated to providing you with an unforgettable experience. Please be aware that I also offer services as a shemale escort, catering to diverse preferences.

In summary, as an independent escort, I am committed to embodying your ideal companion. With my physical attributes, linguistic abilities, and understanding of diverse desires, I am confident in delivering an exceptional encounter.


Emily 26 Bisexual,Tall,Blonde,English,Grey
Emily 26 Bisexual,Tall,Blonde,English,Grey
Emily 26 Bisexual,Tall,Blonde,English,Grey
Emily 26 Bisexual,Tall,Blonde,English,Grey
Emily 26 Bisexual,Tall,Blonde,English,Grey
Emily 26 Bisexual,Tall,Blonde,English,Grey







NSW/Sans Souci


Time Outcall In-call
30min $400 $450
1hour $500 $550
2hour $600 $650

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    Couples,Filming,Foot fetish,MFF,MILF,School girl,Social escort,Cuddling and Touching,Overnight,Electrode Play,Boot Worship,Intimidation on You

My profile

Breast C cup
Gender Female
Body type Tall
Languages English
Weight > 75kg
Sexuality Bisexual
Hair color Blonde
Ethnicity Italian
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
eyes Grey
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