babe 28Carmen brothels st mary’s


babe 28Carmen brothels st mary’s

Come and sex in many different positions

About me

As an independent escort, my primary goal is to embody the epitome of your perfect female companion. Standing at a petite height of 5’3″, I possess a versatile attraction and an appreciation for the beauty and unique qualities of all genders. Acting as your sophisticated and knowledgeable guide, I am well-versed in a variety of subjects.

With a stunning mane of blonde hair, I exude a natural allure that captivates those around me. As a discreet private escort, I am skilled in engaging in fluent English conversations with my esteemed clients, ensuring our interactions remain confidential.

My captivating physical attributes include alluring D-cup breasts that will undoubtedly catch your eye, complemented by the striking shade of blue that adorns my eyes. Falling within the weight range of 66kg-70kg, I maintain a figure that is both sensual and alluring.

Hailing from an Arabian background, I possess an innate sensuality that will leave you yearning for more. Whether it be accompanying you to social gatherings or indulging in intimate encounters, I am well-equipped to fulfill your desires and provide the ultimate companionship experience.

In summary, as your ideal independent escort, I embody the perfect blend of physical attractiveness, intellectual engagement, and discreet professionalism. Allow me to accompany you on an unforgettable journey of pleasure and companionship.


babe 28Carmen 5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Blonde,Blue,Groups/Paties
babe 28Carmen 5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Blonde,Blue,Groups/Paties
babe 28Carmen 5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Blonde,Blue,Groups/Paties
babe 28Carmen 5'3 or under(160cm),Bisexual,Blonde,Blue,Groups/Paties







NSW/Terrey Hills


Time Outcall In-call
30min $400 $450
1hour $500 $550
2hour $600 $650

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    CBJ – covered blow job,BDSM,Bondage,Fetish,MFF,MMF,School girl,Sex toys,Strip tease,Teasing,Wax Play,Boot Worship

My profile

Breast D cup
eyes Blue
Gender Female
Ethnicity Arabian
Body type Tall
Languages English
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Weight 66-70kg
Sexuality Bisexual
Hair color Blonde
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