Junko dtug st marys brothel artarmon


Junko dtug st marys brothel artarmon

I am a private escort.

About me

I am a passionate female companion who can spark your desires. Standing at a height of 5’3″, I am a bisexual individual who appreciates both emotional and physical connections with individuals of any gender. As an elevated companion, I bring a unique charm and sophistication to every encounter.

My hair naturally flaunts a beautiful blonde hue, complementing my overall appearance. With proficiency in the English language, I am able to engage articulately with my clients, ensuring a fulfilling experience. Additionally, I possess well-endowed D-cup breasts that add to my allure.

The color of my eyes is a captivating shade of blue, further enhancing my attractiveness. As for my weight, records indicate that I range between 66kg and 70kg. Being a discreet Latin escort, I prioritize confidentiality and ensure a safe environment for my clients.

Please note that my services do not include she male escorts.


Junko 5'3 or under(160cm),Tall,D cup,66-70kg,Latino
Junko 5'3 or under(160cm),Tall,D cup,66-70kg,Latino









Time Outcall In-call
30min $450 $500
1hour $550 $600
2hour $650 $700

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    CBJ – covered blow job,BDSM,Bondage,Filming,GFE,Maid,Overnight stays,Photography,Social escort,Cuddling and Touching,Escort,Intimidation on You

My profile

Body type Tall
Ethnicity Latino
eyes Blue
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Gender Female
Weight 66-70kg
Languages English
Breast D cup
Sexuality Bisexual
Hair color Blonde
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