Hani 22 brothels st marys nsw


Hani 22 brothels st marys nsw

elsa cute scorts in Ballarat-escortgirl

About me

I am a naturally feminine individual, standing at a height of 5’3″. Embracing my bisexuality, I admire and appreciate the unique qualities and beauty found in all genders. As a knowledgeable guide, I possess the ability to establish a strong connection with my clients using the English language. Being a private escort, I have honed my skills in creating a comfortable and enjoyable experience for those who seek my company.

With my delicate complexion, I embody the essence of a pale-skinned girl. My physical features are undeniably alluring, with well-proportioned D cup breasts that accentuate my sensual appeal. The captivating color of my eyes is an enchanting shade of blue, capturing the attention of those who gaze into them. In terms of weight, I am categorized between 66kg and 70kg.

Originating from an Arab background, I am a stunning escort who is proud of her heritage. Additionally, I am available to offer assistance to individuals with disabilities, providing them with the support they may require.

In summary, I am a desirable companion who possesses an innate femininity and an appreciation for the diverse beauty found across all genders. My expertise as a private escort allows me to establish a strong connection with my clients, while my physical attributes, such as my well-proportioned D cup breasts and captivating blue eyes, enhance my sensual allure. Furthermore, I take pride in my Arab heritage and am committed to assisting individuals with disabilities.


Hani 22 Bisexual,English,Blue,66-70kg,Disabled
Hani 22 Bisexual,English,Blue,66-70kg,Disabled
Hani 22 Bisexual,English,Blue,66-70kg,Disabled
Hani 22 Bisexual,English,Blue,66-70kg,Disabled
Hani 22 Bisexual,English,Blue,66-70kg,Disabled









Time Outcall In-call
30min $450 $500
1hour $550 $600
2hour $650 $700

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    CBJ,FE,Foot fetish,MMF,Photography,Overnight,Teasing,Escort,Cross Dressing,Latex / Leather Worshship,Submissive,Relief

My profile

Gender Female
Hair color Blonde
Languages English
Weight 66-70kg
Body type Tall
Ethnicity Arabian
Sexuality Bisexual
Breast D cup
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
eyes Blue
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