May0020 130 brothel st marys


May0020 130 brothel st marys

Lovely private escort

About me

Title: A Multifaceted Arab Escort Embracing Beauty and Diversity

Standing at just under 160cm, I am a naturally female individual who takes pride in my bisexual orientation, appreciating the unique beauty and qualities of all genders. As an escort, I offer my services to clients, ensuring that their desires and preferences are met with utmost satisfaction.

With my striking blonde tresses and captivating grey eyes, I possess an undeniable allure. Clients will find my body adorned with irresistible C-cup breasts, a testament to my natural beauty. Weighing between 51kg and 55kg, I maintain a healthy and desirable figure.

Communication is key in my profession, and I excel in English, enabling me to establish a strong connection with my clients. Whether engaging in casual conversation or fulfilling intimate desires, I ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience throughout our time together.

As a stunning Arab escort, I embrace cultural diversity, appreciating and celebrating the various backgrounds and preferences of my clients. I am committed to providing a safe and inclusive space where individuals can explore their desires without judgment.

It is important to note that I do not identify as a “tranny escort.” Such terminology can be derogatory and disrespectful towards the transgender community. Instead, I invite individuals from all walks of life to experience the genuine companionship and pleasure I offer, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

In conclusion, I am a versatile and enchanting Arab escort who values diversity and beauty in all its forms. With my enticing physical features, linguistic skills, and open-mindedness, I am dedicated to creating memorable experiences for all my clients, fostering a space of acceptance and pleasure.


May0020 5'3 or under(160cm),Blonde,51-55kg,Arabian,Transsexuals
May0020 5'3 or under(160cm),Blonde,51-55kg,Arabian,Transsexuals









Time Outcall In-call
30min $300 $350
1hour $400 $450
2hour $500 $550

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    BDSM,Fetish,Filming,MMF,Sexy lingerie,Dirty Talk,Toys,Escort,Erotic Relaxation,Latex / Leather Worshship,Intimidation on You,Brown Showers

My profile

Sexuality Bisexual
eyes Grey
Hair color Blonde
Body type Tall
Gender Female
Ethnicity Arabian
Breast C cup
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Languages English
Weight 51-55kg
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