NEW Vivian 21 a1 brothel


NEW Vivian 21 a1 brothel

No rush!The Best adult services

About me

I am a woman of petite stature, standing at 5’3″. As a bisexual escort, I am skilled at providing a comprehensive and elevated experience for my clients. With my fair complexion, I exude an aura of femininity. Offering my services as a German escort, I have the ability to create lasting and unforgettable memories for those who seek my companionship.

My ample G-cup breasts serve as a symbol of both femininity and desire, adding to the allure of our encounters. Complementing my physical attributes are my captivating grey eyes, which have the power to draw you in. In terms of weight, I fluctuate between 56kg and 60kg, maintaining a healthy and balanced figure.

As an Australian escort, my dedication to providing exceptional adult services is unwavering. I strive to surpass expectations and ensure each encounter is tailored to meet your desires and needs. Additionally, I am also experienced in providing Thai transgender escort services, catering to a diverse range of preferences.

In conclusion, I am a woman who offers my unique and intimate companionship as an escort. With my German background, seductive physical features, and commitment to providing unparalleled adult services, I aim to create unforgettable experiences for those who seek my company.


NEW Vivian 21 Tall,Blonde,German,G cup,Transsexuals
NEW Vivian 21 Tall,Blonde,German,G cup,Transsexuals
NEW Vivian 21 Tall,Blonde,German,G cup,Transsexuals
NEW Vivian 21 Tall,Blonde,German,G cup,Transsexuals









Time Outcall In-call
30min $150 $200
1hour $250 $300
2hour $350 $400

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    Affectionate cuddling,B & D,BDSM,Light bondage,Overnight stays,Role play,School girl,Toys,Wrestling,Boot Worship,Latex / Leather Worshship,Brown Showers

My profile

eyes Grey
Gender Female
Breast G cup
Weight 56-60kg
Hair color Blonde
Ethnicity Aussie
Sexuality Bisexual
Languages German
Body type Tall
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
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