0Cassie25SEXY a1 west relaxation centre st marys brothel reviews


0Cassie25SEXY a1 west relaxation centre st marys brothel reviews

Ctue babe,sexy girl,private escort

About me

I am a captivating female escort with an appealing height of 160cm. My charm knows no gender boundaries as I am equally attracted to both men and women. As a highly sought-after escort, my luscious blonde hair adds to my allure. Hailing from Germany, I excel in providing unparalleled companionship and intimacy for my clients.

My G-cup breasts are undeniably alluring, exuding the essence of sexiness that will leave you craving for more. My mesmerizing grey eyes will captivate your gaze, creating a magnetic connection between us. With a weight range of 56kg-60kg, I maintain a perfectly proportioned figure to match my seductive appeal.

As an Aussie escort, I am dedicated to delivering exceptional adult services that will surpass your expectations. I take immense pride in catering to the needs and desires of my esteemed male clientele, ensuring a memorable and gratifying experience.

Whether you seek companionship, intimacy, or a combination of both, I am here to fulfill your deepest desires. Indulge in the pleasure of my company and let me guide you through a world of passion and seduction. With my distinct adult services, you are guaranteed an unforgettable encounter that will leave you yearning for more.


0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men
0Cassie25SEXY Female,5'3 or under(160cm),G cup,56-60kg,Men









Time Outcall In-call
30min $200 $250
1hour $300 $350
2hour $400 $450

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    Fetish,Filming,Light bondage,LK,Police woman,PSE,Role play,Sex toys,Strip tease,Overnight,Electrode Play,Submissive

My profile

eyes Grey
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Gender Female
Ethnicity Aussie
Breast G cup
Languages German
Hair color Blonde
Body type Tall
Weight 56-60kg
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