00Eliza 22Babe st mary’s brothel


00Eliza 22Babe st mary’s brothel

papty girl.wild fun.money well spend

About me

I am a woman who stands at less than 5 feet 3 inches, and I have always been naturally attracted to individuals of various gender identities. As a tall courtesan, I embrace my natural design and allure. With my hair adorned in a beautiful shade of blonde, I exude a captivating presence. Hailing from Germany, I possess a deep understanding of the art of seduction.

One cannot resist losing themselves in the mesmerizing curves of my voluptuous G-cup breasts. The color of my eyes is a captivating shade of grey, which adds to my irresistible charm. In terms of my physicality, I am classified as weighing between 56kg to 60kg, maintaining a figure that is both alluring and enticing.

As your preferred Russian escort, I am dedicated to providing an unforgettable experience. I prioritize catering to couples, understanding the unique dynamics and desires that come with such encounters. Whether you seek companionship, intimacy, or simply a memorable time, I am here to fulfill your desires.

Please note that my services extend beyond mere physical attraction. I genuinely enjoy connecting with individuals on a deeper level, engaging in stimulating conversations, and creating a space where you can feel comfortable and free to explore your desires.

Allow me to be your companion, your confidant, and your escape from the mundane. Together, we can create moments of pure bliss and ecstasy.


00Eliza 22Babe Blonde,German,G cup,Grey,Couples
00Eliza 22Babe Blonde,German,G cup,Grey,Couples
00Eliza 22Babe Blonde,German,G cup,Grey,Couples
00Eliza 22Babe Blonde,German,G cup,Grey,Couples
00Eliza 22Babe Blonde,German,G cup,Grey,Couples
00Eliza 22Babe Blonde,German,G cup,Grey,Couples
00Eliza 22Babe Blonde,German,G cup,Grey,Couples









Time Outcall In-call
30min $150 $200
1hour $250 $300
2hour $350 $400

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    GFE,LK,Maid,Sex toys,Social escort,Dirty Talk,Overnight,Electrode Play,Sissy Play,Wrestling,Intimidation on You,Relief

My profile

Hair color Blonde
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Ethnicity Russian
Body type Tall
eyes Grey
Breast G cup
Languages German
Weight 56-60kg
Gender Female
Sexuality Bisexual
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